JF in the News: Trump Says Virginia Leads the Way on Election Security

Gov. Glenn Youngkin‘s executive order requiring formal certification that election officials follow Virginia’s existing election security regulations and law drew praise from former President Donald Trump.

“I don’t believe that we lost there. I don’t believe we lost Virginia,” Trump told broadcaster John Fredericks shortly after Youngkin’s victory in the 2021 gubernatorial election, according to published reports at the time. Fredericks was Trump’s Virginia campaign manager in 2016 and 2020.

Trump, who has falsely denied that he lost the 2020 election, including his 10.1 percentage-point loss in Virginia, said in a post on his Truth Social network that Youngkin has set an example for other states.

“What a mess, what a mess, this election process. Now I don’t believe it. They said Virginia’s blue. I never believed it was blue,” Trump told Fredericks. Youngkin has said Virginia will be a battleground state this year. Trump has said he will win Virginia this year.

Read the full article from the Richmond-Times Dispatch.