John Fredericks
Posts by John Fredericks:

WAPO Declares War on the Truth
The Washington Post, once a bastion of effective investigative journalism, has declared war on the truth. It’s a war of propaganda, fake news and slippery words. It’s a war on the supporters of President Trump and his “America First” agenda. The completely manufactured news story yesterday in The Washington Post –“Trump Leaked Classified Info to […]
Who Really Runs The Government?
Who really runs the federal government? Get this: in 1986, lobbyists spent an average of $113,000 per legislator in the U.S. House and Senate. For all 535 members of Congress, K Street dumped in $60.45 million. Fast forward to 2015: lobbyists spent an average of $5.7 million for each Washington legislator, upping the K-Street ante […]