Donald Trump

Corey Stewart Stretches Ed Gillespie’s Statements on Donald Trump
Although Corey Stewart was ousted as Donald Trump’s campaign chairman in Virginia this fall, he’s still anchoring his gubernatorial campaign to the GOP president-elect. In the wake of Trump’s victory, the chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors took aim at Ed Gillespie who, like Stewart, is seeking the Republican nomination for governor. […]

A List of the Pundits, Psychics, and Animals Who Predicted Trump’s Victory
Even the Republican National Committee’s internal polling showed Donald Trump losing Tuesday’s election. But not everyone got it wrong. Here are the people who said that Donald Trump would win the general election or took him seriously enough to accurately predict, early in his candidacy, the manner in which he would be able to beat […]

John Fredericks Predicted Trump’s Rise
John Fredericks, who predicted Trump’s rise, overcame a stutter to host his radio show in Chesapeake John Fredericks insists on looking professional for visitors, even at 6 a.m. when his radio show starts. “No gibberish. No nonsense. Just common sense,” he told listeners of “The John Fredericks Show” on a recent morning, using one of […]

2016 General Election Predictions!
My election prediction record is 95 percent since I started broadcasting in Virginia on January 2, 2012. Not bad! So far, my 2016 predictions are 100 percent! Last losses, from 2015: Monty Mason: He’s a beast. Period. Amanda Chase: John Moss says checks vote once. Jeremy McPike: I drank the GOP Kool-aide and changed […]

RPV To Trump Primary Voters: Take a Hike!
TALK ABOUT TURNING A BIG TENT INTO A TEEPEE! Well, there they go again. The Republican Party of Virginia (RPV) is once again concocting exclusionary pledge schemes to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After losing seven consecutive statewide races in Virginia, you would think the brain trust at RPV would have figured out […]