Bikers for Trump Rallies for Gillespie — Without Gillespie
One of President Trump’s most fervent fans hopped onto his Harley in South Carolina and roared all the way to Virginia Beach, where he led a “Bikers for Trump” rally Sunday for Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie. Except Gillespie wasn’t there, irking some Trump supporters who say the Republican has been too standoffish toward the […]
Fredericks on CNN: Calls Out U.S. Rep. Wilson (D-FL) and George W. Bush
Dust up! On CNN, Fredericks takes on Madison and Lemon, calls out – it gets contentious.
Jill Vogel Embraces the Trump Agenda in Her Virginia Race
Jill Vogel was just getting her legal career off the ground — still a “baby lawyer,” as a friend tells it — when she went to work for the Republican National Committee. Before long, she was chief counsel. Then a top lawyer for President George W. Bush’s Energy Department. From there, she built one of […]
The John Fredericks Show Launches in Washington D.C. on AM 1260 The Answer
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Chesapeake, VA, October 9, 2017 – Common Sense Media Holdings, LLC announces that it will begin airing its syndicated news radio talk show, The John Fredericks Show, in Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia beginning October 16, 2017 on Salem Media’s AM 1260 The Answer. The show will air from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., […]
Gillespie is GOP’s Best Shot to Flip a Seat this Year, So Where’s the Money?
Ed Gillespie has raised considerably less money than other recent contenders for Virginia governor, despite his extraordinarily deep ties to the Republican donor class. With a long history in national politics and a bond with an ex-president, Gillespie was expected to be the GOP version of Gov. Terry McAuliffe, the former Democratic National Committee chairman […]