John Fredericks Latest News
In Contentious White House Press Briefing, Sanders Unloads on Media
By John Fredericks (July 13, 2017) Washington, D.C. –- Sit at your own risk: Sanders is firing back at the legacy media reporters in the White House correspondents press corps who sit in the press room’s most coveted seats. The first two rows of seats at the daily White House press briefings are reserved for the legacy media. […]
John Fredericks on CNN: Trump Tweets #RussiaInvestigation, Slams Witch Hunt
John Fredericks discusses Trump and Russia Investigation on CNN with with Don Lemon, Salena Zito and Joe Madison.
The Mueller Inquisition – By Any Means Necessary
The Robert Mueller Investigation has now gone beyond the pale of common sense. You have an out of control special prosecutor with unlimited resources and unchecked power. There is no evidence of any crimes. There is no obstruction. There is no collusion with the Russians. There is no money trail. There are only lawyers conducting […]
An Open Letter to Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe
Dear Governor McAuliffe, As a McAuliffe supporter, I’m deeply disappointed in your attempt to politicize the baseball field shooting tragedy to help you in the 2020 Iowa Caucuses. I get that you have to brandish your progressive street cred with the super Left in your Presidential bid. However, your comments yesterday on gun control as […]
Virginia Primary Night Election Coverage – Live Stream Available
The John Fredericks Show Trucking The Truth! Exclusive Virginia Primary Night Election Coverage The Number One Source for Live Election Night Coverage in Virginia – 6 Years Running Be A Part of the Action! Will this be the year Republicans take back Virginia and end the 7- year drought? Can the Ed Gillespie juggernaut keep […]
WAPO Declares War on the Truth
The Washington Post, once a bastion of effective investigative journalism, has declared war on the truth. It’s a war of propaganda, fake news and slippery words. It’s a war on the supporters of President Trump and his “America First” agenda. The completely manufactured news story yesterday in The Washington Post –“Trump Leaked Classified Info to […]