JF in the News: Virginia Republican Jen Kiggans Won’t Back Trump In 2024
The GOP establishment darling told John Fredericks that she’d back Kevin McCarthy for Speaker and should be elected because she’s a woman.
The GOP establishment darling told John Fredericks that she’d back Kevin McCarthy for Speaker and should be elected because she’s a woman.
JF in the News: ““The only scenario to wrest the nomination away from Chase is a convention that includes ranked-choice voting,” said talk show host John Fredericks, who served as former President Trump’s 2016 and 2020 Virginia campaign chairman.”
President Trump Radio Interview 11/3/2021 Part 1; President Trump Radio Interview 11/3/2021 Part 2; Youngkin WINS Historic Election in VA and Around the Country; America Speaks to John Fredericks on Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks!
“We’ll see who’s going to be running against Kemp, but I would imagine somebody will. If somebody ran, they’d win in the Republican primary,” Trump told radio host John Fredericks of Kemp.”
“The only guys that win are the guys that embrace the MAGA movement,” Trump said on the “John Fredericks Radio Show” when asked about Youngkin’s chances against Democrat Terry McAuliffe, a former governor seeking a comeback. “When they try to go down a railroad track, you know, ‘Hey, oh yeah, sure, love it, love it. Oh, yeah, love Trump. Love Trump. Okay, let’s go, next subject.’ When they do that, nobody, they don’t — they never win. They never win. They have to embrace it.”
Trump told the John Fredericks Radio Show on Real America’s Voice that Kemp was a “disaster” who had worked to make sure Republicans lost the 2020 presidential election. Trump told host John Fredericks on Thursday: “Kemp is a disaster. He’s a disaster. He talks about elections … He did everything he could to make sure we lost the election. He was terrible.”
Senate audit liaison Ken Bennett joined John Fredericks to offer a breakdown of Friday’s audit report reveal. #AzAuditRelease Ken Bennett Provides a Table of Contents for the AZ Audit Report Presentation on Friday Senate audit liaison Ken Bennett joined John Fredericks to offer a breakdown of Friday’s audit report reveal. #AzAuditRelease pic.twitter.com/j4nhz8yKlz — Silent Majority […]
John Fredericks interviews President #DonaldJTrump on 9/23/21 on America’s Voice AM on Real America’s Voice @RealAmVoice and @jfradioshow #JFRS The John Fredericks Radio Network #GodzillaOfTruth #TruckingTheTruth #AmericaFirst
Let’s ROCK Virginia! Join hosts JOHN & ANNE FREDERICKS and guests for a dynamic evening of action to win back Virginia with emcee, Martha Boneta! Get fired up! Meet candidates! Have cocktails and mingle with fellow Patriots. Hear from a star-studded line-up of speakers and learn how you can help with campaigns! Location
Full report: https://www.kentucky.com/news/politics-government/article253942333.html Unsurprisingly, the people most upset by McConnell’s reticence are allies of former President Donald Trump, who once again this week called for McConnell’s removal as GOP leader. “They ought to get themselves a new leader. He’s been there long enough,” Trump told The John Fredericks Show. “He’s a terrible–in a sense, he’s […]