JF in the News — Trump To Fredericks: Annex Greenland
‘We Need Greenland:’ President Trump pushes U.S. acquisition of Greenland during meeting with NATO Secretary General.
‘We Need Greenland:’ President Trump pushes U.S. acquisition of Greenland during meeting with NATO Secretary General.
The Trucking the Truth – America First Bus Tour is also known as the Mega MAGA Bus or Trump Bus. Fredericks wants you to see it — and hear his message!
Neil W. McCabe, the national political editor of The Star News Network, interviewed radio talk show host John Fredericks ‘The Godzilla of Truth’ about how his show is different from other shows just after he hosted an April town meeting with Pennsylvania GOP hopeful, Dr. Mehmet Oz.
John Fredericks interviews President #DonaldJTrump on 9/23/21 on America’s Voice AM on Real America’s Voice @RealAmVoice and @jfradioshow #JFRS The John Fredericks Radio Network #GodzillaOfTruth #TruckingTheTruth #AmericaFirst
Overnight it was reported that in Georgia a ‘box’ of ballots was unsealed and opened up by the Secretary of State’s office in Georgia. This was after the district judge ordered Raffensperger to not touch the ballots in Fulton County : After several Fulton County, Ga., poll monitors testified last year that boxes of mail-in […]
WATCH NOW – CLICK PLAYER BELOW: John Fredericks and Steve Bannon discuss breaking news out of Georgia. A new judicial ruling means 30,000 suspected counterfeit ballots will be independently analyzed in Fulton County. WATCH NEXT – CLICK PLAYER BELOW: Bannon and Fredericks: What Happens in Georgia Could Change the Whole Nation
John Fredericks joins the WAR ROOM: PANDEMIC to discuss the fight to Stop the Steal of the 2020 Election. WATCH: https://americasvoice.news/video/6sIUk8NTiEhQUx1/